Choosing the healing path for yourself is absolutely a Hero's Journey. And the truth is, often times, we don't choose IT. IT chooses US. It's as if something activates within you-- compiled circumstances which break you open and gift you with new eyes; a divine alarm clock; a remembrance. When we accept the challenge voluntarily, we agree to Be Here Now. We agree to take self-responsibility; to engage in a depth of human experience, truth, sovereignty, and love we would otherwise have never known. 

The Healing Initiation is all about calling your energy back to you, with integrity and response-ability. 

I am a Spiritual Teacher and Healing Practitioner and I Know that we all rise together. My path is here with YOU as you empower yourself to experience the shifts you are here to Know.

I bring you all layers from all alchemical spaces of my own acquired experience and knowledge. I connect with you from integrity, alignment with myself, and warmth.  This is a benefit to you in that our connection will activate you to do the same for yourself; or, if you're already on the path of remembering who you are, it will assist you in achieving new levels of expansion.

My healing path, extensive graduate studies in a CACREP accredited clinical mental health counseling university program, 3 Life Coach certification completions, 9 years experience as a professional healer, 19 years working in the helping fields, numerous trauma-informed modality healing certifications and course completions, and in-depth personal studying, seeking, and embodiment are some of the credentials your left brain wants to know. 

I work from the assumption that all presentations are trauma-rooted and can be healed. 

I guide you to remember that you were NEVER broken in the first place.

I am certified in the 12 Core Concepts: Core Curriculum in Childhood Trauma with The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN). I completed a Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist (CCTSI) course through The Arizona Trauma Institute with J. Eric Gentry, a PhD trauma expert. I've also completed several course instructions related to nervous system regulation and somatic therapy offered by Irene Lyon who was a student of Peter Levine, and through the Somatic Institute for Women, offered by other experts in the healing field. Other courses and studies related to trauma healing include mindfulness, breathwork, depth and transpersonal psychology, inner child work, Internal Family Systems, somatic touch therapy, energy center medicine etc…

Trust though that our work together is all about You. 

*Payment is due at the time you schedule with me. If session time runs over, I will send a payment request for the remainder following our session, which is due within 24 hours unless we have verbally arranged otherwise. (ex a 60 min session becomes a 90 min session)

*If you no-show/no-call/no-text, you are energetically responsible for the reimbursement of the time and energy I set aside for you. Payment will not be applied to a future session. 

*Services paid for but not rendered are non-refundable and must be rescheduled if a cancellation is necessary.

*All information exchanged is held in strict confidence. Confidentiality is of the highest priority.
*Services may be terminated by either client or Michelle at any time.

This list of possible healing subjects is certainly not all inclusive. Modalities and treatments will be tailored to your unique needs and experience.

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Traumatic Grief
  • Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Response (CPTSR)  and Emotional Flashbacks​
  • Attachment
  • Nervous System Dysregulation
  • Archetypes and Your Story here
  • Adult Survivors of Dysfunctional Family Systems
  • Shadow Processing and Integration
  • Inner Child Healing​
  • Somatic Experiencing
  • Emotional Intelligence 
  • Healing The Mother Wound
  • Addiction​
  • Healing from Narcissistic Targeting and Abuse
  • Connection to the True SELF (Who Are You?)
  • Cognitive and Emotional Mindfulness
  • Empath/Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) Support
  • Divine Feminine Healing and Integration
  • Divine Masculine Healing and Integration
  • Energy and Attention
  • Chakra mini-workshops and balancing
  • ​Identifying and healing Money Blocks
  • Career Support
  • Parenting Support
  • Navigation of Divorce/Separation
  • Navigation of Relationships With Others 
  • Soul Connection Support
  • Healing Relationship Patterns
  • Healing Self-Sabotage Patterns
  • Personal Boundaries
  • Codependency
  • Stepping into Your Truth (Self-Belief, Self-Trust)
  • The Hidden Forces of Life
  • ​Gnosis, Mythos, Philosophy
  • Spiritual Awakening
  • Rage and Grief
  • Family Estrangement​
  • Intimacy ​Fears
  • Feeling Alone and Disconnected from Self, Others, the World
  • Inner Alchemy
  • Anima and Animus and Active Imagination
  • Mental Holography
  • Psyche Integration

Sessions take place via zoom or in-person. In-person sessions take place in Cortland, NY on the land and river Michelle guardians and in a private indoor space designated for sessions and workshops.

Reciprocity is calculated on a sliding scale honor system, as follows:

Annual Income up to $60,000:
 $100 USD/60-minute session.

-Annual Income $61,000+: 
$133 USD/60-minute session

My reciprocity rates are minimal when compared to the rates of others and factoring in my knowledge, wisdom, abilities, education, and experience. I want to be accessible to the Sincere. Please contact me if necessary to discuss payment plans. <3


Exchange rates will be yours to account for.

-90 min. sessions are available and encouraged when scheduling allows, especially in the beginning stages of our work together. Add $50 and $66 to sliding scale base cost, respectively.






-Ask Me Your Questions:

I am now offering an email service or voice message service (via facebook messenger) for $50 in which I thoroughly answer your question(s). If you have worked with me before and received emailed or voiced "session recaps" from me, you know the heart and thought I put into all of my communications and how they benefit those I support.


You can send me an email or voice message detailing what you are navigating and outlining the guidance you feel you would benefit from. If you don't know the answer to this last piece, I will help you sort it out. 


I do not recommend this option if you are in the beginning stages of your healing, awakening path. This is a good option for past clients who reach out to me for a check-in and find my schedule is booked, or for those of you who feel like you need an external perspective, your crown straightened, and/or beneficial guidance/insight.


You can include up to 2 questions/scenarios in your email/voice note and receive back a single email/voice note from me.

Email or use the contact form on my homepage for more details. PayPal, CashApp or Venmo must be sent prior to you receiving my response. I will reply with payment instructions to your email and we will go from there.